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About me

Who am I??

I am Leah.

I am a mom of FIVE... yup, 5 wonderful boys. And they pretty much rock my world. There is less than 3 years between my oldest 3. In 2 years and 9 months I had three kids. Pretty impressive I know. Then 4 years later we had another, and then our latest addition recently joined the chaos in Januray 2013

I am a wife to an amazing man. I think he's pretty neat and our life has been an adventure to say the least. Although I must admit I am ready for the adventure to stop. In our first 13 years of marriage we have moved 15 times. It's a bit excessive I must say. We have lived on the coast in California... really... on the coast. I opened my front door to the ocean every day. And then 6 years later we were on the coast of the Florida... I couldn't see the ocean, but it was a whole 8 minutes away. Our current stint is in Utah. I'm hoping that we will put some roots down so I can have a white picket fence..... who am I kidding... I just need to buy one from Lowes and take it with us when we move again. If you are wondering, no we are not a military family.... been there done that.... that's why we were in California for military training, now... we are just transit people.

until I can find a better picture of him.... this is what you get.

And me.... I am learning new things about myself. I have homeschooled my oldest 3 boys for the past 4 years, and they are going to be going to school this August... So I am having to redefine myself from a homeschooling mom, to a regular mom that has a couple less kids at home. I am excited and terrified about this change.

I am trying my hand at Public Speaking and want to speak at conferences.... I get really nervous but I like that everyone is focused on me. I'll keep you updated on how this goes.

I like to do homemaking things like cook and bottle food. I think I'm pretty good at it, and I love watching my shelves fill up with things that I did.

I am NOT a crafty person. I would like to think that I am, but alas... I have boxes and boxes of unfinished projects that just get moved from one place to another. I have come to the point now that I am just willing to pay someone for the pretty wreath that I see because heaven knows that I'll never get around to it, but I'll have the supplies for it and I'll carry those around with me for 10 years.

I honestly have about 20 organizing books. Clearly these books teach nothing and don't help at all.... I haven't found one that actually works for me. When I find that book that when open turns my house in to a place that can be pictured on Better Homes and Garden... I'll let you know, until then I just keep buying the books to help me get organized. I think I need another shelf though. My husband tells me I would be a hoarder if we didn't move so much.

I like my crazy life... it's definitely not dull.

This is my life... the way I tell it.

And that's me.... any questions???

who am I kidding??? This is the real me!

Well... well... well.... Good Heavens! Ok , since that post {which really wasn't that long ago} We added another special spirit to our family... a girl sort this time! And we have moved... to Colorado... see... I can't have a permanent picket fence. And I have started homeschooling again. The changes, the changes!


erin said...

Hey Leah, thanks for checking out my blog the other day. Thought I would pop over here and see what you have going on. Quite a lot, it would seem; 5 boys!! My goodness! I am looking forward to reading about your adventures. I have a feeling they are ample. :)

Megan B said...

Hey Leah, it's Megan from Edgewater. So glad you have a blog. I was thinking about you yesterday and checked out your blog today. So much has changed since I saw you 3 years ago but your boys are as hansom as ever.

AmyG said...

Hey Leah,
What a lovely and lively crew you have the privilege of raising! I love your upbeat nature and your children are just beautiful!

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