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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Feels like forever!

Feels like I've been away forever! And really it's only been 4 days. Here is some of the going ons around our house as I get back in to the swing of blogging again.

We are adjusting to Steve being home and love having him here. The boys can't get enough of him. James keeps saying in his prayers at night "Thank you for daddy being here" it's really cute. And Tim keeps saying "Daddy came back!" When Steve went to work Monday morning the boys just about had a melt down when Steve was walking out the door. After lots of hugs and the promise that dad would be home for dinner they let him go.

Here is a funny story about Steve.... He can now put on his "List" of things that he has done in his life... Steve has been deported!!! On his journey home he got on a military flight that took him to Qatar. When he got off his flight in Qatar he was asked for his Visa, he didn't have it so he was taken in to custody. So they put him on the very next flight to Kuwait {where he wanted to go} and because he was being deported he couldn't be bumped off the flight. AND he has been blacklisted, he can't ever go back to Qatar. So for all you who wanted to vacation with Steve in Qatar, you'll have to find another destination.

I had to unexpectedly help at Tommy's preschool today. I went and picked up James and went back to the preschool to help clean up. I tried to get James involved with what the preschool was doing. James turned to me and said, "This is a waste of my time" I have no idea where that came from, but it was really funny.

Jen and Adam and the boys are here!!! We'll they've been here for about two weeks now, but I thought you all should know. We met them in Monterey and have been great friends ever since. Adam and Steve were deployed to Iraq together and oh, gosh, our history goes on forever... like the last 4 years. Davy and Jon are just loved by our boys and it goes both ways. They just can't get enough of each other. They are all pretty much brothers. Unfortunately they are just here for TDY {Army training} and will be leaving me in March. Anyways... They just needed a shout out

On a more serious note.... I found this blog Spirit Jump that connects people with others that could use a lift in life from the affects of cancer. My grandma died years ago from breast cancer and I really didn't realize what it was about and how much it affected her. I got an email from Spirit Jump with a new list of people that need to "be jumped" and among them is a women who is 27.... 27 {I am 28} and she is in the late stages of cervical cancer!!! There is another woman who is 31 and raising a 4 year old and is fighting breast cancer. There is a gentleman who is in recovery from brain cancer and is now suffering from depression. This blog is a wonderful one and you need to check it out!!! Even a little note will lift the spirit of someone who is fighting for their life.

Thank you all for your kind words and being excited with me for Steve being home. As of today... there are no more deployments in the future {yeah for me} but as always our life is an adventure... so stay tuned for the next chapter.


Whitney said...

LEAH!! Horray horray horray!!! I've been in a school induced coma so I haven't been checking on the blogs, but last night I was watching a movie with the hubs and I had a thought, "Ohmigosh! Steve is home! Yay for Leah!"

SpiritJumper sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out when I get a second to breathe!

Camie said...

I forgot to tell you how excited I was for you to have your honey back home in your arms! YEAH for you!!!!

Jason & Claire said...

Okay, I can't believe the story about Steve being deported. I WAS so looking forward to going to Qatar with you and Steve! Guess we'll have to make other plans now.

The Spirit Jump thing sounds amazing. I definitely need to check that out. Thank you so much for posting about it. I've never heard of it. I'm glad you shared the link,

Diane said...

Glad it has been so great to have Steve home. I'll bet the meltdown the boys had when he was going to work was funny but serious. They all love him so much.
Spirit Jump sounds great. You seem to alwasy be involved in great things. Love you

LORI said...


Erin said...

How wonderful to be together again!!!!

Cheeky Kitchen said...

I'm so glad to know about the website. Thank you for letting us know.

And, thank you for the nice comment, and lovely stop-by of my blog last week. It was so good to have you!

Anonymous said...

Mad shout out to my family across the way...

And our history actually goes back over the last 6 years, not 4. We met back at the end of 2002 just as Adam was leaving to come here from MOnterey. Crazy how time flies!

www.AForestFrolic.typepad.com said...

Over from SITS & back again...SO GLAD Steve is home, yippee! Funny (after the fact I'm sure) of him being deported, hehe. I'm 28 with 3 girls and don't know how you did it without him. You get major props for that. I'll have to check out Spirit Jump, it sounds like great site! Thanks for sharing!

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